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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

net neutrality pros and cons

net neutrality pros and cons - pros and cons of net neutrality
The following article will throw some light on the theory of net neutrality, with exceptional emphasis on net neutrality pros and cons, in sequence to make the readers conscious of this theory of Internet guideline and regulation.

Over the last decade or so, the net neutrality debate has got all the more intense, particularly with numerous countries contemplating the idea of introducing a legislation about the same. With certain regulations prohibiting practices like child pornography or gambling in place, people are pressing for even more severe regulations which would completely ban the unethical practices involved in Internet access and transmission of data on the Internet. The whole world has been divided into two groups over this issue - one which defend s the concept of net neutrality and another which opposes it. Before we go to net neutrality pros and cons and join the ongoing debate on Internet regulation, let's try to understand what the concept of net neutrality actually means.

What is Net Neutrality?

Net neutrality, also referred to as Internet neutrality, is a regulatory concept which eradicate s any type of discrimination in transmission and access of content on the Internet. It is somewhat comparable to the concept of 'network neutrality', which regulates various telecommunication networks, including television and telephone. According to the main principle of net neutrality, the websites which provide content and the users who search for it are equal, and therefore nobody should be given preferential treatment at the cost of others. The concept prohibits Internet service providers from blocking or deregulating websites belonging to their competitors. Simply put, the concept of net neutrality ensures that the Internet service providers, search engines and other online service providers do not restrict or filter the traffic to competitor websites.

Net Neutrality Pros and Cons

As we mentioned earlier, the entire world is divided into two groups on the lines of Internet regulation pros and cons. With no concrete legislation in place, net neutrality is nothing more than a set of professional ethics with no compulsion of implementation. Given below are the details of various pros and cons of net neutrality, which are to be taken into consideration before trying to constitute any rules based on this concept.

Pros of Net Neutrality

The foremost advantage of net neutrality is that it is helpful in adding competitiveness to the market, as the users are given more options to choose from. The competition between service providers will make each of them come up with their best, and this will directly benefit the end user as he won't just get options to choose from but also get quality service. Those in support of net neutrality are of the opinion that government control of the Internet would eliminate monopoly, thus ensuring that the big websites do not dominate the market. It will also help in curbing the numerous illegal activities and frauds which can be attributed to the web. Interestingly, most of the websites out there are in support of the concept of net neutrality.

Cons on Net Neutrality

Those who oppose net neutrality argue that it is a completely pointless exercise as none of the service providers would go about sabotaging their rivals by blocking their content or degrading network performance. They also cite the example of other networks which are functioning properly even with the major contributors being in charge of them. As far as government control of the Internet is concerned, these people argue that it would result in increased Internet censorship and invasion of privacy, both of which wouldn't go down well with the users.

Those were some of the most prominent net neutrality pros and cons which have to be taken into consideration before passing any legislation about it. As the realms of Internet continue to develop, Internet safety has become one of the main concern for the users. That being said, the administration has to step in and implement measures such as net neutrality in order to address this concern. It is only possible to implement such regulatory measures after all the pros and cons of Internet regulation are evaluated. While the United States is yet to come up with any such legislation, countries like Japan already have laws pertaining to Internet access in place. If stalwarts of the field are to be believed, the issue of net neutrality is going to take the whole world by storm in the next few years to come.

net neutrality pros and cons - pros and cons of net neutrality

Monday, December 20, 2010

Net Neutrality Pros and Cons

Net Neutrality Pros and Cons
The net neutrality has jumped to the front page of today on the Internet both in the U.S. and Europe following the big telephone and cable companies have realized that their business model could be enhanced if they that controlling access to the infrastructure of telecommunications networks by imposing a toll in terms of bandwidth consumed as Google call rate, and propose differentiated levels of service to their clients, to validate what they consider the extensive use of its infrastructure and the increasing pace of demand for broadband services, which experts say will lead to a collapse of the Internet infrastructure.

These demands pose a threat to network neutrality, one of the basic principles on which the Internet has been built, and is equivalent to the network is the same for everyone without discrimination, which applies to all data packets driving by the same treatment, regardless of their content, origin and destination, with no priority or hierarchy of one over another, without anyone having preferential access.

If it imposes a toll, search engines and large companies will have no trouble paying their request (to end users which we pay) and will get priority in the deployment of its contents, but companies with fewer resources may not play on an equal footing. On the other hand, services that could be a competition, such as IP telephony, or are problematic, be relegated to slower channels, or simply eliminated.

All this makes the network neutrality is more than just a dispute between users, operators and content companies and charge a political dimension as corresponding to the information society to the point of breaking into the Obama campaign, in which not only affirmed his commitment to keeping the Internet as it should be – open and free – but it held an active presence in social networks, which contributed to the undeniable success of your social media campaign based on three principles: communication, transparency and participation.

In the U.S., the Federal Communications Commission has established four principles underlying the network neutrality: 1) Freedom of Access to Content. 2) Freedom to Use Applications. 3) Personal Freedom connecting devices harmless. 4) Freedom of information on the Service Plan. Now, the new director of the Federal Communications Commission Julius Genachowski, reflecting the commitment of the new administration intends to add two more: 5) To prevent discrimination by type of content. 6ยบ). Providers must be transparent about its network management policy. However, in line with the demand for cultural industries these two new principles only apply when they do not interfere with copyright or illegal activities.

In Europe, the issue has also been raised by telephone and Vodafone and the European Commission has announced it will launch before the summer a public debate on net neutrality. For now, the meeting between EU ministers of telecommunications and information society held between 18 and 20 April in Granada, culminating in the Declaration for the European Digital Agenda, but refers to the network neutrality, limited as in other thorny issues to present the courses of action without specifying specific means in this case referring to a future Bill of Rights Electronic Communications user.

Internet in the XXI century is too important to be left to the operators and neutrality is essential to preserve our freedoms in the new social model of networked citizens, so it must not impose an Internet Governance to recognize a series of basic rights aimed at safeguarding certain areas of autonomy from power as civil rights were set in the eighteenth century, but now the power is going to carriers and large enterprises content management.

Net Neutrality Pros and Cons